Write a short note on the old English heroic poetry?

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            The earliest political works in English were composed long before the introduction of Christianity those works are definitely pagan, non-christian. Those earliest heroic poems were unwritten and carried from mouth to mouth and preserved by tradition. The basic subject matter of those heroic poem are battle, heroism, fighting, death and victory. They are essentially Heathenic in spirit and represent the warning mood of primitive Teutonic Anglo Saxon jutes people. The most essential feature of those heroic poem are found in the treatment innumerable and wars which took place at the early history of the British people.

Beowulf is the earliest remarkable epic of the anglo-saxon people. This heroic poem of nearly 3000 line is considered as the earliest surviving epic of the teutonic people. It is heroic in spirit chivalrous in content and humanistic in appeal. Beowulf has three major parts all are logically connected.

            Of the earliest heroic poems the most remarkable specimen is definitely "Beowulf" the most remarkable ancient epic of the Anglo Saxon poetry. Then there are "The Fight at Finnsburg" and "Waldhere" "The Battle of Maldon" "The Battle of Brunanburgh" and "Nibulengenlied"

             Beowulf:- Beowulf is the earliest remarkable epic of the anglo-saxon people. This heroic poem of nearly 3000 line is considered as the earliest surviving epic of the teutonic people. It is heroic in spirit chivalrous in content and humanistic in appeal. Beowulf has three major parts all are logically connected.

             The Battle of Maldon and The Battle Of Brunanburgh:- These two heroic poems reveal the high degree and excellence of the technical maturity of Anglo Saxon poetry. Here the historical event was the aggression by a band of Vikings, in 991 A.D. The characteristic features of old English poetry are well testified in these works.

            Waldhere:- Waldhere too in its scattered portion is a shot of epic of the primitive people it is inspired heroic ideas and rich in the graphic account of warfare and a system of government of the Ancient tribal people.

             Nibulengenlied:- It is another heroic and also no original work of the English people. The poem is related to the Germany tribes in early days. The entire poem is competitively poor in conception and structure but it possess I strongly Savage mentality so much characteristic of the teutonic race.

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