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Rosie is one of the main character of the novel 'The Guide' by R.K Narayan. Narayan portrays the character Rosie as a Indian woman who loved her husband despite his entire fault and always feels proud of her husband. Though she belongs to a dancer family, she is highly educated and she is influenced by her husband and her background. She is presented in the novel as a beautiful dancer of the devadasi variety of Temple dancer.
As a wife Rosie is an attractive young wife of Marco her marriage has been like a curse in disguise to her as Marco is totally apathetic and emotional to her. She is very passionate about dancing but her husband does not allow her to dance.
She is like a traditional Indian wife, her husband is like God to her. Marco calls her dance skill as street acrobat and compares it to monkey dance. Despite all these insult she continue to be his wife. When Marco come to know about the intimacy between her and Raju he become very upset and don't talk to her and completely ignore her presence. She silently apologize to Marco but he react by categorically disowning his wife. I am trying to forget..... even the earlier fact that I even took a wife, you are free to go and do what you please".
The incident shows her tremendous tolerance, power and optimistic attitude. She is basically kind and loving towards her husband. She appreciates the fact that he gives her freedom security and does not kill her for her betrayal.
Dreamer and Human Desire is visible in Rose's characters. Rosy tells Raju I didn't preferred any kind of mother in law if it had meant one real live husband, but Marco on the other hand is only interested in "dead and decaying thing not in his wife who has dancer was the living embodiment of these images".
When Rosie was left by Marco in Malgudi and was living with Raju she devoted herself completely to dancing. She love dance and that is what matter to her, she woke early morning and practised hard for 3 hours regularly. She is always willing to know about dance and even tries to teach Raju some type of it. In the end though she loves her husband and her lover. She continues to dance and dance is her life whatever comes to her way. According to Raju "neither Marco nor he had any place in her life which had its own sustaining utility and which which she herself had underestimated all along".
She is religious by nature as she believes in goddess Saraswati and has the bronze image of Natarajan in her office.
Passionate nature of her success doesn't get to her head. As she remain and down to earth person even after becoming very successful in her dancing career. Once Raju become very upset because Rose's spent lot of time with different artists and not with him. he come to her and said that this artist come to her because they are inferior to her. She replies to him saying that she doesn't believe in superior and inferior, she doesn't discriminate people on the basis of their financial status on one hand when Raju prefers to meet people who are very rich and influential in the society. Rosie doesn't care much about all these people. Being herself an artist she respect art and likes to be in the company of artist and other music lovers.
Rosie is also true to her lover in spite of the forgery, Rosie does not desert Raju. Though Rosie come to know about every frod activity of Raju she compromise with the situation instead of punishing Raju for his deceit. She is determined like a true lover to spend every penny that she is arranging a capable defence for Raju. Although she has earlier decided to give up dancing as a profession. She sins fresh dancing contract to raise more money for this purpose.
In fact her dignified and noble behaviour brings out our sympathy she embodies the feminine principle of ideal womanhood.
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Rosie in The Guide |
As a wife Rosie is an attractive young wife of Marco her marriage has been like a curse in disguise to her as Marco is totally apathetic and emotional to her. She is very passionate about dancing but her husband does not allow her to dance.
She is like a traditional Indian wife, her husband is like God to her. Marco calls her dance skill as street acrobat and compares it to monkey dance. Despite all these insult she continue to be his wife. When Marco come to know about the intimacy between her and Raju he become very upset and don't talk to her and completely ignore her presence. She silently apologize to Marco but he react by categorically disowning his wife. I am trying to forget..... even the earlier fact that I even took a wife, you are free to go and do what you please".
The incident shows her tremendous tolerance, power and optimistic attitude. She is basically kind and loving towards her husband. She appreciates the fact that he gives her freedom security and does not kill her for her betrayal.
Dreamer and Human Desire is visible in Rose's characters. Rosy tells Raju I didn't preferred any kind of mother in law if it had meant one real live husband, but Marco on the other hand is only interested in "dead and decaying thing not in his wife who has dancer was the living embodiment of these images".
When Rosie was left by Marco in Malgudi and was living with Raju she devoted herself completely to dancing. She love dance and that is what matter to her, she woke early morning and practised hard for 3 hours regularly. She is always willing to know about dance and even tries to teach Raju some type of it. In the end though she loves her husband and her lover. She continues to dance and dance is her life whatever comes to her way. According to Raju "neither Marco nor he had any place in her life which had its own sustaining utility and which which she herself had underestimated all along".
She is religious by nature as she believes in goddess Saraswati and has the bronze image of Natarajan in her office.
Passionate nature of her success doesn't get to her head. As she remain and down to earth person even after becoming very successful in her dancing career. Once Raju become very upset because Rose's spent lot of time with different artists and not with him. he come to her and said that this artist come to her because they are inferior to her. She replies to him saying that she doesn't believe in superior and inferior, she doesn't discriminate people on the basis of their financial status on one hand when Raju prefers to meet people who are very rich and influential in the society. Rosie doesn't care much about all these people. Being herself an artist she respect art and likes to be in the company of artist and other music lovers.
Rosie is also true to her lover in spite of the forgery, Rosie does not desert Raju. Though Rosie come to know about every frod activity of Raju she compromise with the situation instead of punishing Raju for his deceit. She is determined like a true lover to spend every penny that she is arranging a capable defence for Raju. Although she has earlier decided to give up dancing as a profession. She sins fresh dancing contract to raise more money for this purpose.
In fact her dignified and noble behaviour brings out our sympathy she embodies the feminine principle of ideal womanhood.