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Though Mrs. Moore had died at sea, she had become a legend in Chandrapore. It was widely believed that she was killed by her son Ronny because she wanted to save Aziz. Two tomb's were said to be built containing her remains. People came and paid their homage to 'Esmiss Essmoor'.
Ronny was disgusted with the Indianisation of his dead mother. He knew, he had behaved badly towards her, but he blamed her for her sad demise as it was she who had expressed her desire to leave for England. She had been of no use to her community.
Ronny was more concerned with his career. He was aware that marriage with Adela would spell the end of his career. Moreover, he had more urgent problems to attend to — the impending visit of the Lt. Governor and the case of Adela. He made up his mind to wait until the court case about the compensation was decided and after that he would ask her to free him from their engagement.
Critical Analysis
Ronny was basically a selfish person. Love was a secondary thing for him. His first love was his career. Forster has been very successful in drawing the character of such a careerist. Then there is also a satire on the Indian habit of turning everything good into the spiritual to be worshipped. Mrs. Moore's tomb was visited by the Indians apparently in the belief that it contained the sacred remains of that noble soul.