Also Read
Stanza 6
Line 61-72
I vowed that I would dedicate my powersTo thee and thine—have I not kept the vow?With beating heart and streaming eyes, even nowI call the phantoms of a thousand hoursEach from his voiceless grave: they have in visioned bowersOf studious zeal or love's delightOutwatched with me the envious night—They know that never joy illumed my browUnlinked with hope that thou wouldst freeThis world from its dark slavery,That thou—O awful LOVELINESS,Wouldst give whate'er these words cannot express.
He has striven to stem the tide of tyranny He has not forgotten the ecstasy of his own first vision of Beauty; and therefore he has mixed his joy with the hope that a similar vision vouchsafed to everyone will save mankind from its dark slavery.