The importance of Invocation Scene of Paradise Lost

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      Line 1 - 26 of Paradise Lost book 1 are generally considered the prologue of the Epic. This 26 line are highly famous because of the extra ordinary Grand description of So many classical traditional and Christian epic expressions in incorporated by the poet. These lines goes thus -

      "Of mens first disobedience and the fruit of that Forbidden tree, whose model fast brought death into the world, and all our woe, with loss of Eden still one greater man restore us...

  .....  I thence Invoice thy aid to my adventures song......

      Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme and chiefly thou O spirit that dost prefer Before all temples the upright heart and pure.....

Milton begins his Epic with the traditional inclusion of an invocation to the heavenly Muse.
Invocation in Paradise Lost

      Following the practice of Homer and Virgil Milton begins his Epic with the traditional inclusion of an invocation to the heavenly Muse. That heavenly Muse is the Goddess Urania originally the Muse of astronomy, the divine inspiration which revealed the truths of religion to Mose. The basic statement of Milton in his invocation has been to treat the "Fall of man" and as the basic concern of the poet. Milton asks the heavenly Mose to help him to compose a poem dealing with the subject of man's first disobedience to God in eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. Heavenly mouse once inspired most on the solitary pack of mount Oreb or Sinai Milton here intends to pursue a grand epic project never attempted by anybody in history.

      And finally in the invocation Milton prays to the Mose to instruct him in his grand pursual.

      What in me is dark Illumine, what is low raise and support, That is the highest of this great argument I may assert eternal providence and justify the ways of God to men.

      Thus the scene is developed, extended modified qualified in a great variety of ways by the subordination of clauses and the proper use of conjunctions prepositions and relative pronounce. The entire prologue is most appropriately justified in regard to Milton's "Grand Style". The ultimate purpose of the invocation used by Milton is to assert eternal providence and justify or prove to human beings the justice of gods dealing with mankind.

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