Marco: Character Analysis in The Novel The Guide

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      Marco and Rosie are two solitudes. If Marco is whole-heartedly and single-mindedly devoted to scholarly pursuits, Rosie is devoted to dancing. In her life nothing matters more than her love for dance. In their life, sex has no place. They are abstractions of their ambitions. They are honest about their feelings. Marco married Rosie to help her rise in social esteem. She was the daughter of a dancer. Her community did not enjoy status in society although dedicated to temple gods. They were public women; it was always (difficult for a Devadasi to get a husband of some standing. A true scholar like Marco alone would choose her as his wife. Rosie was aware of this obligation and she made no secret of it in the same way as Marco never forgot to mention this fact. But the feeling that he had obliged her was so obsessive that he could not accept her as his equal and she also felt inferior to him in spite of her education.

      Marco lacked the warmth that husband and wife need to make a congenial couple. He expected from his wife understanding, mature behaviour and capacity to live independently. But he could not understand a woman’s heart. He had neither respect for desires, nor love for her instincts. He treated his wife coldly and sometimes cruelly. He called her a whore and harlot. He clashed with her almost every night. That is why he lost her. Had he shown little understanding and love, and encouraged her in realizing her goals, she could have remained more loyal and devoted to him. He is an unsuccessful husband.

      Marco however is very honest and sincere. He is a true scholar. He gets eminence by getting reputation as a scholar after the publication of his book. He sends Rosie’s jewellery even when he knows that Rosie is not going to live with him. He also gives full freedom to Rosie and never questioned her movements till she proved to be physically disloyal to him.

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